Only the "Good Stuff". Personal favorites...

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Solar Stuff, and Renewables


I like to "save", especially when it comes to cost, and even more so when it is relatively painless (and helps the environment at the same time).

I enjoy a good DIY (do it yourself) project, one made for very little money, around the home, and I welcome your designs and ideas, too. I also strongly recommend the good folks at HomePower .

HomePower published a bi-monthly magazine covering renewable energy products and projects. They had it down to a science. You can look up several older, more popular articles for free on their site. You can even download a softcopy of their most recent issue in Adobe PDF format, yes, for free. They've got reviews, articles, and ads, which may now be well out of date.

One article describes how to make Biodiesel out of used vegetable oil. Yes, it runs in a regular, unmodified diesel car. You can get massive amounts of used vegetable oil from the local fried chicken joint. Still interested in paying those high gasoline prices? Making BioDiesel is Very Easy to do! Check it out. Maybe you don't drive a diesel, but someone in your family does? A friend?

I'm always looking for visitor input , and welcome any quality additions to content in the form or articles, diagrams, and free solar and Renewable Energy designs. I look to plug in several "How To"articles in the coming few weeks, so be sure to check back regularly.


Free Solar/RE Designs
Kieth's WindowBox Drawing

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Here is my concept draft for a Solar heater - WindowBox. The file is just 17k, and shows how an effective heater can be constructed from an old door, a sheet of flat black painted aluminum corregated siding, and a common twin motor window fan controlled by a thermostat.
Kieth's Solar Curtain

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Too difficult for your First Renewable Engery project? Try my simplest, and cheapest design.

I would love to hear what designs you, the reader, are most interested in.   >E-mail Visitor Feedback<



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